So this year I've decided to pass on some of my knowledge in the form of photographic tips. The tips will appear on this blog regularly, so keep an eye out.
The first tip is: Get out there and shoot!
Your author at work.
When I teach photography, I take the student on a photowalk so that they can learn in a practical manner, instead of listening to me drone on in a classroom. I maintain the only way to learn is to practice, hence the 'Get out and shoot' tip. Practice shooting different subjects - photographing moving cars, boats, bicycles, and people will teach you about shutter speed.
Photographing a flower and trying to isolate it from the background will teach you about aperture.
Photographing a live band will get you used to shooting in low light - ISO is all important here.
Gemma of Gemma and the Jets does her thing!
The important thing is to keep practicing. It doesn't matter what gear you do, or don't, have, just use what you have to learn and you will become a better photographer.
For more information on tuition, do have a look at my tuition page, it explains what I offer and if you're interested in having a lesson from me, please give me a shout!